New Poll Confirms Made in America is Really, Really Popular

New Poll Confirms Made in America is Really, Really Popular

Source: Blog – Alliance for American Manufacturing

Consumer enthusiasm for American-made products actually increased by 5 percentage points this year.

New polling conducted by Morning Consult for the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) shows overwhelming support for shopping Made in America, as 81% of respondents said they “prefer to purchase holiday gifts made in the U.S. if presented with the option.”

And that same poll shows 86% of participants said they would “be more likely to purchase” American-made goods if “if they were available through large retailers.”

The poll is just the latest in a whole string of them AAM has conducted over the years gauging consumer enthusiasm for Made in America goods, and it mirrors previous findings showing strong support for Made in the USA. In fact, this year’s poll saw an increase in support, with 5% more of respondents saying that they prefer to buy Made in America during the holidays.

Now, I know what you are thinking: Advocacy group that promotes Made in America finds support for Made in America, what a surprise! But it’s worth pointing out that Morning Consult is an independent polling firm – they do all tons of research, and they’ll give us the results, good or bad. On top of that, other organizations have also polled on this exact issue and recorded similar levels of enthusiasm.

This widespread support for Made in America is why we put out the Made in America Holiday Gift Guide each year. We want to make it easier for shoppers to find Made in the USA gift ideas during the holidays, and shine a spotlight on some of the workers and companies doing the hard work to manufacture locally.

The poll is also a wake-up call to retailers. While Americans say they prefer American-made goods, it can unfortunately be hard to find American-made products in big box stores. But as the poll shows, shoppers would buy more Made in America goods if they were available – the key is making them more available.

In the meantime, be sure to check out the 2023 Made in America Holiday Gift Guide.

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