Take Action: Tell President Biden to Keep Tariffs on Imports from China in Place

Take Action: Tell President Biden to Keep Tariffs on Imports from China in Place

Source: Blog – Alliance for American Manufacturing

Aerial view of the Long Beach and Los Angeles ports. Getty Images

Lifting tariffs will do nothing to fix inflation but will undermine American manufacturers and workers, all while handing the CCP a victory. Tell the White House to maintain the tariffs.

It’s time to take action, folks.

We’ve written several pieces now about how the Biden administration is considering revoking tariffs on imports from China. This is a bad idea. Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul wrote the U.S. Trade Representative urging the administration to maintain the tariffs; he wasn’t alone.

Lifting the tariffs will undermine American manufacturers and workers at the exact time when we need to reshore manufacturing and secure supply chains. It also will hand leverage to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) when it has done nothing to address its predatory trade practices.

As United Steelworkers International President Tom Conway put it: “Nothing has changed that would merit unilaterally lifting the tariffs; If anything, President Xi and the CCP have only doubled down on their strategy and approach.”

But Biden is *still* considering the move as a way to address inflation, despite the fact that there’s growing consensus that lifting the tariffs won’t do much of anything about inflation. Bloomberg even reported that the White House asked retailers to lower prices if the tariffs were lifted and were “rebuffed.”

Enough of this debate.

CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION! Please join us in telling President Biden to maintain tariffs on imports from China.

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