Texas Expands its Buy America Rules

Texas Expands its Buy America Rules

Source: Blog – Alliance for American Manufacturing

The University of Texas at Austin. | Getty Images

Public universities and colleges now fall under the state’s domestic procurement policies.

Look, I’m gonna say it: Politics in Texas are a little wild at the moment. The calm and even keeled are not always calling the shots. Sometimes, though, they are.

For example: Last month the Texas legislature unanimously passed a bill to expand the state’s existing Buy America laws. Unanimously! That’s pretty legit. And this weekend, Gov. Greg Abbott signed it. Now, Texas’ domestic procurement requirements will cover construction at public colleges and universities.  

is the procurement related to newly built dorms and university halls or athletics facilities a huge market? No, it’s not. Nevertheless, it’s a good idea: Public spending should encourage domestic economic activity, which is what domestic manufacturing creates. It also creates jobs, which is why Buy America rules are so popular.

Anyway: Good job Texas!

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