Buy America Legislation Moves Forward in New Hampshire

Buy America Legislation Moves Forward in New Hampshire

Source: Blog – Alliance for American Manufacturing

New Hampshire state capital building in Concord, N.H. Getty Images

State lawmakers approved legislation to give preference to Made in America iron and steel in state-funded construction projects. The bill now heads to the governor’s desk.

Some good news to report from the Granite State.

The New Hampshire legislature officially passed legislation in late May that will give Made in America iron and steel preference in taxpayer-funded construction projects. Now it’s up to Gov. Chris Sununu to sign the bill.

The Buy America language had faced a long, windy path in the legislature, as it was amended and revised several times. Eventually, lawmakers struck a deal on the language during a debate on cryptocurrency.

If Sununu signs the bill, New Hampshire will join the federal government and dozens of other states in giving preference to American-made products and local workers on taxpayer-funded construction projects. It makes sense — why send taxpayer dollars overseas when all that money can be reinvested right back into American workers, companies, and communities?

Hundreds of Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) supporters who live in New Hampshire wrote to their lawmakers to urge passage of Buy America legislation. AAM’s own Brian Lombardozzi authored a letter of support as well, noting that Buy America legislation helps level the playing field for American manufacturers and workers:

Unlike their foreign competitors in places like China, India and Russia, United States manufacturers are heavily regulated and do not rely on subsidies from their government to make them more competitive. New Hampshire’s procurement policies should not be divorced from its public policies. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to bolster foreign state-owned enterprises, nor should they reward companies that have moved their operations, investment dollars, and jobs away to foreign countries that lack or completely disregard reasonable environmental and workplace safety regulations.

Bravo to the New Hampshire lawmakers who voted in favor of this important legislation. We encourage the governor to sign the bill, and hope other states follow New Hampshire’s lead (looking at you, Massachusetts).

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