Take Action, New Yorkers! Tell Your State Lawmakers to Buy American

Take Action, New Yorkers! Tell Your State Lawmakers to Buy American

Source: Blog – Alliance for American Manufacturing

The Statue of Liberty, pictured in front of the New York skyline. Photo by Getty Images

The state legislature is currently putting together the state budget. Including Buy America provisions will maximize taxpayer investments and create good jobs.

Start spreading the news: New York lawmakers are in the midst of putting together the annual state budget, and they have a major opportunity to create good jobs and strengthen local communities.

Including Buy America requirements in the budget will help ensure taxpayer dollars are reinvested into American workers, businesses and communities rather than being sent overseas. Lawmakers also have an opportunity to include domestic content and domestic assembly requirements in the budget, which will ensure New York state tax dollars are spent on American-made products across supply chains, from iron and steel to electric vehicles (EVs).

If you come to this blog often, you know that we are big proponents of Buy America. Not only does it ensure taxpayer dollars support American-made products already on the market, it also encourages additional domestic production in emerging industries. That’s especially important right now, as the United States is transitioning to clean energy.

If the state of New York is going to purchase a new fleet of EVs, for example, shouldn’t it invest in vehicles that are Made in America to invigorate further growth? Shouldn’t New York tax dollars be used to support American industries that are aiming to grow — like all those new battery factories, for example — instead of being spent on foreign-made products?

The good news is that New York already has implemented some Buy America requirements. In 2020, it made the New York Buy American Act permanent. That law requires all structural steel and structural iron used in state and road bridge construction projects worth more than $1 million to be Made in America.

Including Buy America provisions in this year’s budget is another step forward. Work on the budget could wrap up as soon as this week, so let’s make sure that New York lawmakers get the message ASAP.

If you live in New York, tell your state lawmakers to support Buy America provisions in the state budget.

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